Tournesol Solar


We are a team of dedicated professionals, with an ambition to make an impact towards a carbon free and sustainable future. In other words, expand the solar farm business in the UK.

With an extensive background in the energy sector, and with production-, sales-, and engineerial capabilities, we want to become your trusted partner.

We have learned that trust is earned, and therefore we will have a primary focus on keeping you as a landowner updated with the project progress.

Our ambition is to secure continuous communication, high quality of deliverables, efficient and effective management and expedient project progress.

We are proud to partner with European Energy, one of the largest developers of sustainable energy projects in the UK. With their extensive knowhow, the project is in good hands.


Tournesol Solar are a dynamic group of professionals, offering a fresh approach to the solar farm business. We have both great expectations and confidence in our partnership, and look forward to our powerful collaboration.

Thorvald Spangsgaard

Project Director, European Energy

© Tournesol Solar ApS 2020. This website is owned by Tournesol Solar ApS